All ceramics from “Flame” collection is wood-fired in Myrhorod, Poltava region. Wood-firing ceramics is a traditional and fascinating technique that involves firing pottery or ceramic pieces using wood as the fuel source. During the wood firing process, the pottery is placed in a kiln, and the wood is burned to generate intense heat. As the wood combusts, the flames and smoke interact with the ceramic surfaces, creating unique and unpredictable effects on the finished pieces. The wood ash and the interaction between the clay and the fire produce natural glazes, ash deposits, and striking colour variations, giving wood-fired ceramics their distinctive and rustic appearance. Throughout the firing, master carefully tend the fire, adding wood and adjusting the airflow as needed to increase or maintain the temperature. Equally important is the technique of adding the wood in the furnace – quantity, time and placement. Such method allows to control the flow of oxygen and influence the temperature dynamics. The whole process is a kind of dialogue about the balance of power between the fire, the master and the kiln.